Monday, November 2, 2015

A Few Interesting Questions About Landscaping Design

Question: How do you decide which professional is best for your project?

Answer: The best way is to check them out. Ask for references, and contact them. Ask to see some of their work; if you cannot see it in person, then at least ask to see their portfolios. Keep an eye open for successful projects and find out who is responsible. Of course, a reference from a friend is helpful. You can arrange a site visit with a professional and find out if they provide consulting services. Whether or not a professional will charge for a visit depends on the company. If their time is paid for, they are likely to share all of the ideas they come up with while speaking with you. You can decide for yourself whether or not those ideas are to your way of thinking.

Question: Why should I work with a landscape designer?

Answer: Because a professional landscape designer spends their life thinking about the subject, they come to your garden filled with knowledge, creative ideas and imagination to develop a custom design that is uniquely suited to your home, lifestyle and personal preferences. Landscape design is challenging from an artistic, environmental, architectural, engineering and horticultural viewpoint.

Unlike other art forms, a garden is not a static creation, but a dynamic, evolving ecosystem that requires continued inputs and energy over time. Its creation requires careful thought on different levels: botanically (which plants to choose), spatially (where to put what), seasonally (how will it look year-round?) and temporally (what will it look like in ten years?). A landscape designer factors all these things in and then adds an element of style that provides the spirit of the garden. By spending time with a landscape designer to work through the design details during the planning phase, you will save money and time as it is less costly to consider the alternatives and change your mind on paper than it is during installation or after completion.

Landscape design consists of a process that culminates in the creation of a set of documents that become your blueprint and information source for the project. These documents will assist you in obtaining comparable bids from landscape contractors to fully develop your site either in a single project or in phases over time. A landscape designer will work with you to create this master plan, selecting the most appropriate materials & plants for your site and budget, developing solutions for specific problems on your property (i.e. privacy, noise, etc.), and finding the best people in the landscape industry to help bring the vision for your garden to reality.

Additional benefits of working with a landscape designer include assistance with quality control/site observation during installation, the opportunity to purchase plants at considerable savings from retail prices, and formation of a relationship with someone who can provide ongoing consultation as the garden changes and matures.

Question: I have lots of ideas. How will I be involved in the design process?

Answer: The objective is to help you take your ideas and grow them into the landscape of your dreams. To do so a designer works collaboratively to determine which services best suit your needs, budget and timetable, based on your goals for outdoor living space.

Question: What is the difference between a landscape designer, a landscape architect and a design-build landscaper?

Answer: Landscape design and landscape architecture are similar art forms. The ideal designer for your landscape will be the person most compatible with your taste, lifestyle and budget. In general, landscape design involves the design of residential or small commercial landscapes and gardens that require aesthetic and horticultural skills. Because training and expertise vary widely, it is important to look for a designer whose practice conforms to The Standards of Practice of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD).

Landscape architecture involves the application of more complex architecture and engineering solutions. Landscape architects have a degree in landscape architecture that typically includes limited horticulture education. They are licensed by the state and are qualified to develop construction-ready plans with construction details for complex retaining walls, decks, water features and drainage. The fees for their services are much higher than those for landscape designers.

Design-build landscape contractors typically implement the plans of landscape designers and architects. They may or may not have staff members with design or horticulture training.

Question: How much should I spend on landscaping?
Answer: Quality landscaping offers an excellent return on investment, ranking as one of the top home improvements. According to MONEY magazine story on home renovations, landscaping has a
recovery value of 100% to 200% if it is well done and harmonizes with foliage nearby. With housing values dropping in many areas, homeowners are seeking to enhance their home’s value with attractive, well-planned landscaping. According to a Michigan State University study, high quality landscaping adds 5 to 11% to the home’s price.

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