Coverage of the Nuffield Trust Health Policy Summit, including Jeremy Hunt and Simon Stevens’s speeches
He continues by saying that the Oldham commission sets out what Labour wants to achieve on person centred care with one service dealing with all aspects of care. He says the path to integration will be a 10 year journey and will embrace existing bodies rather than re-organising NHS structures. He emphasises the importance of working out needs on a local level and not imposing one model on everyone.
He ends by saying that the Five Year Forward View stated that a tax funded NHS is sustainable long term. He says that Labour endorses this and that whole person care is the way to ensure it.
Lord Philip Hunt, shadow health minister and labour deputy leader in the House of Lords, takes the stage to talk about the Labour party’s vision for the NHS and social care. He says the current system does not encourage the integration of health and social care.
The Nuffield Trust is live streaming all the sessions at the summit.
In advance of the summit, Guardian journalist David Brindle interviewed Nigel Edwards, chief executive of the Nuffield Trust. On the topic of the NHS Five Year Forward View, Edwards said:
The NHS is very good at writing bids, it’s fantastic at it. But execution has always been a problem. It’s like eight-year-olds playing football: everyone chases the ball.”
Morris goes on to list the challenges surrounding big data:
Morris goes on to list the advantages of big data to healthcare. He says data can revolutionise the clinical trial business and has already done so over the last two years.
It can also inform policy. Regarding smoking legislation in Scotland, data has shown that before the ban, there was a 5.2% increase per annum of smokers whereas after the ban there was an 18.2% decrease per annum.
He continues:
Data allows us to defragment. The NHS is a silo health system that we can try to defragment using information.
He asks: “Why are health systems unsustainable?” and points out that in Scotland, more people have two or more chronic diseases than one and this presents a challenge. He adds that public finances are also a challenge. He says:
We need to embrace data.
Prof Andrew Morris, professor of medicine at the University of Edinburgh, starts his talk on the impact of big data on the future of healthcare by saying that “healthcare is the last major industry not to be transformed by the digital age.”
You can follow the summit on Twitter by following #ntsummit
Good morning and welcome to our live coverage from the Nuffield Trust Health Policy Summit.
Today sees Jeremy Hunt talking about the challenges facing the NHS and Simon Stevens addressing an audience of senior healthcare leaders.
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